55 year old male with chronic heart failure


This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.
Case seen by Unit 5 :

Sridevi . M(Intern) 
Sowmya. K ( Intern) 
Mourya ( Intern) 
Shriya ( Intern) 
Dr. Natasha Mam 
Dr. Zain Sir
Dr. Sashikala mam
Dr. Shailesh Patel Sir
Dr. Praveen Naik Sir

Here is a case i have seen:
A 55 year old who is a resident of Narketpally , Nalgonda who is a tailor by occupation came to casualty with complaints of shortness of breath since December 16 which is progressively increasing, pedal edema progressively increasing since 1 month ,abdominal distension since 4 days and decreased urine output since 4 days... 
Patient was apparently asymptomatic/alright 2 months back then he started developed pain in precordial region radiating to left arm,consulted a cardiologist for which angiogram was done which revealed single vessel coronary artery disease( Proximal LAD )..Patient simultaneously had grade 2 dyspnea  which progressed to grade 4 in span of 2 months according to NYHA classification which is associated with orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. 
 No complaints of palpitations, chest pain, giddiness
patient observed bilateral pedal edema since 1 month 
Complaints of abdominal distension since 4 days, pain abdomen ( diffuse type) non radiating not associated with vomitings, nausea
Complaints of decreased urine output since. 4 days. 
No complaints of fever, burning micturition, bowel abnormalities. 

Past medical history: known case of diabetes since 4 years and on tablet metformin 500 mg
No past history of HTN, CAD, Asthma, tuberculosis. 
No past history of exposure to chemo radiation, blood transfusion

Past surgical history: 
History of splenectomy done in 2017 in view of splenic abscess 
History of hernia surgery done 2018
History of Angiogram done on 16 th dec 2020

Personal history: His diet is mixed, appetite is normal, bowel movement s regular, decreased urine output, Known case of alcoholic since 30 years 90 ml per day
No known allergies 
No significant  family history
On examination :
General examination: No pallor , icterus,cyanosis, clubbing, generalised lymphedenopathy
Pedal edema upto knee present, putting type, JVP elevated. 
Bp:110/ 70 mm hg
PR:84 bpm
Rr:42 cpm
Cvs examination:
Apex beat at 6 th left intercoastal space lateral to mid clavicular line present 
Muffled S1 and S2 
Respiratory system examination:
Decreased breath sounds in bilateral inter scapular area
Per abdominal examination: per abd distended
No tenderness, no organomegaly
Abdominal distension:

Pedal edema. 

Chest X ray 

2 D echo

Complete blood picture
Renal function tests
Liver function tests

2 D echo

Investigation s Day 2:

Diagnosis: Chronic Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction with CKD 

1) Inj. Lasix 80 mg/iv/ BD
2) T. Cardivas 3.125 mg / bd
3) T. Ramipril 2.5 mg /po/ od
4) Inj. Human mixtard insulin 6 nd 4 Units
5) fluid restriction less than 1 l/ day
6) salt restriction less than 2 g/ day
7) bp, pr, spo2 monitoring
8) grbs monitoring 6 th hourly
9) T. Alpha D3 /Od
10) T. Shelcal  /0d
11) Nephro opinion

On starting the patient on Cardivas, ( Carvedilol) we noticed fluctuations in liver enzymes levels .i.e.Elevated liver enzymes levels. 
So we came across articles and case studies showing deranged lft and hepatotoxicity associated with carvedilol 


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